IR Policies

Basic policy for disclosure

The Company will disclose information quickly, accurately, and fairly under laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (“Timely Disclosure Rules”) established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. If the Timely Disclosure Rules are not applicable to information, the Company will actively and fairly disclose information that it believes to be important or beneficial for shareholders and investors to provide them with additional insight, primarily through its website etc.

Method of disclosure

The Company will disclose information specified by the Timely Disclosure Rules quickly and fairly through the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange under the rules. After the disclosure through TDnet, the Company will post the information also on its website promptly.
Please note that disclosure on the Company’s website may be delayed due to system problems or delays in preparations for the posting of information.

Forward-looking statements

The information disclosed by the Company may include forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time of disclosure, and the Company believes them to be reasonable. Those statements thus include risks and uncertainties associated with changes in economic conditions and institutions. Please note that actual results may be different from disclosed results forecasts and statements due to uncertain factors.

Quiet period

The Company designates a period from the day following the end of the accounting period to the day of the announcement of results a quiet period, to prevent any leakage of account settlement information (including quarterly account settlement information) and other important information which may affect the stock price and to ensure the fairness of disclosure. During the quiet period, the Company does not answer questions about results and results forecasts and does not make any comments about them. If results forecasts are expected to change significantly, the Company will disclose information as needed under the Timely Disclosure Rules even in the quiet period.

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